Author(s) are requested to use following format:

  • All papers should be typed on Microsoft Word-version.
  • Paper size should be A4, Portrait of size 8.5" x 11" with Margins: 1" (top & bottom); 1.5"(left & right)
  • All text should be typed in Arial or Times New Roman Font with size 12 and single-spaced.
  • Headings and subheadings must be in Bold font, left justified and numbered according to Level of heading as below: 1. First Level Heading 1.1 Second Level Heading 1.1.1 Third Level Heading.
  • Header & Footer of font size 8.
  • Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph.
  • Page Break can be given to give a logical end to a page.
  • The main title of your paper must not exceed 50 characters. This includes letters, spaces and punctuation.
  • Title should be followed by name, affiliation and address of the Author(s).
  • An abstract of length not more than 250 words should be supplied.
  • Few keywords must be given after the abstract.
  • Size of the paper to be kept within 5000 words.
  • All papers must be accompanied by one passport size color photograph together with a brief CV.
  • Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams should be labeled, so that they correspond with their mention in the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2, Diagram-3).

Provide the list of references at the end of the paper in sequence as per the guidelines and the examples suggested. The reference guidelines for the author(s) are provided below:

  • Books SURNAME followed by initials. (Year). Title of the book in bold italics. (pp. referred pages). Place of publication: Name of the publisher.
  • For a paper/chapter in a book (multi-authored) SURNAME followed by initials, Surname followed by initials, and Surname followed by initials. (Year) Title of the paper / chapter in bold. In X and Y (Eds). Title of the book in italics, (pp. 45-50) . Place of publication: Name of publisher, Year. (Number of Pages of the book) p.
  • Journals/Magazines/Newsletters SURNAME followed by initials. Surname followed by initials, and Surname followed by initials. (Year). Title of the paper in bold. Title of the journal / magazine / newsletter in italics, Vol. No (issue no.), 45-55.
  • Reports SURNAME followed by initials /organization (Year). Title of the report in bold (only the first letter in caps).pp.(Referred page numbers) Place of publication: Name of the organization / publisher.
  • Web site Author/organization. Name of the article in bold. Available at Web site URL (Accessed on dd/mm/yyyy).
  • Paper in published proceedings SURNAME followed by initials. Title of the paper in bold. (Year). In X, Y, and Z (Eds).Title of the published proceedings in italics. Name of the conference/workshop, city, country, date, organized by name (s) of organizer(s). p.(number of pages of the paper) Place: Publisher, Year.

Some examples of the bibliographic reference as per the guidelines are as below:

  • ROWLEY, Jennifer.(1998).The electronic library.(pp.100-110).London: Library Association Pub.
  • INFLIBNET Centre. (2005) Annual Report 2004-05 (pp.30-32). Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre.
  • CAIN, Jack. Assessment of options for handling full Unicode character encoding in MARC 21: a study for the Library of Congress. Part 1: New Scripts. Available at (Accessed on 22/11/2007).
  • PREM CHAND [et. al.]. (2007). Access to scholarly literature in higher education institutions under INFLIBNET Consortium. In Information and Knowledge Management in Networked World. Proceedings of the International CALIBER 2007, Punjab University, Chandigarh, 8th - 10th February 2007. (pp. 570-588). Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre.