Online Registration Form for PLANNER 2012
Personal Information
Name of Participant : * Last Name,First Name
Designation: *
Organization: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Sex : *
E-mail: *
Contact No: *
Accommodation Required: *
Accompanying Person(s):
No of persons
Demand Draft Details
Draft No: *
Draft Date: * DD/MM/YYYY
Amount: *
Bank Name: *
Branch Name: *
Travel Schedule Details
Arrival Date & Time Mode(Air/Train/Bus)
Return Date & Time Mode(Air/Train/Bus)
Any Other Relevant Information :
Please enter below mention Verification Code *
Important Notes: Kindly send the DD to "Dr Tamal Kumar Guha, Organising Secretery, PLANNER 2012
Librarian,Sikkim University
6th Mile, Samdur,Post: Tadong,Gangtok-737102" .